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CUSY5: Parts 16-18


Prompt 16

You all go into the village as the queen requested you do. I am not monitoring you here, so make smart choices. I'm busy with the spaceship. I have left Star in charge of all of you...but I have low expectations for how that will try and surprise me and don't buy any books.

Prompt 17

I leave you alone for one prompt, and you're all already talking to shop owners about books? Oh, allegedly it's to find out where they get the alchemy potions to be able to go to the market. Sure, I absolutely believe that. I fully believe that you weren't trying to go shopping the minute I walked away.

Can't leave you all alone for two minutes...

Prompt 18

Strawberry Bot interrupts this general story to let you all know that he would like donuts, immediately. So here's a quick detour, as luckily, there is a bakery that sells strawberry donuts. Enjoy this moment of rest.

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