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clearursht Y4: week 7


Mini Boss

As you approach the castle door, your peaceful journey to the structure has come to an end. Well peasants, it looks like another mini boss battle has come. The guards approach you, ready to take advantage of all your many, many weaknesses. Will you successfully defeat them by defeating your weakness, or will they defeat you?

  • Question Everything: Read a book that you don't think fits any of the prompts

  • Book hoarder: Read the book you've owned and kept unread the longest.

  • Solar Girl Boss: Read a book that keeps getting put on TBR's but never gets read

  • Problematic Perseverer: FINISH OR DNF a book you want to DNF, but refuse to.

Free Space

As always, you peasants surprised me by surviving. With Star and Ariadne, you wander the castle halls, and stumble upon an office. It is full of many books, and you are all tempted to take them with you. I'd highly recommend not doing that, actually.

It looks as though Ariadne has found a journal and...what's that? It's her mother's journal. How interesting. Gather around peasants, take a break after that battle and lets see what we find out.


As Ariadne reads to you her mother's journal, we discover, shockingly, that the wizard and the Lady Graves...were once married. Two power hungry magical beings paired together through love, and possibly broken apart by that silly little power hungry part. Do you think this means we've determined who Ariadne's father is? Talk about dealing with parent issues.

Read a book with a mom character in it.

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